Member benefits
As a member, you help change the world for the better for LGBTQI people. We would like to try to reward you for that. On this page, the membership benefits that you can use as a member of RFSL are collected.
Fonus is the country’s largest funeral agency and is run as an economic association with a large number of organizations as co-owners. RFSL is one of the organizations which together own Fonus. As a member of RFSL, you can therefore take advantage of the benefits Fonus gives to members of the owners’ organizations.
Member benefits:
- SEK 500 price deduction when ordering a funeral, alternatively SEK 750 if the deceased has also filled in Vita Arkivet.
- SEK 750 price reduction when ordering a tombstone made of Nordic granite.
- Free lectures for at least 25 participants.
Email if you want to book a lecture.
Fonus about themselves: We at Fonus have extensive experience in organizing all types of funerals – civil, church or based on any other faith. Together, we can design a beautiful final farewell that is also a tribute to an irreplaceable person.
Familjens jurist
Familjens Jurist is the country’s largest family law firm, with 33 offices around the country. They can help with all kinds of family law, such as property division, inventory of the estate, wills and cohabitation agreements. The family’s lawyer also has special expertise in family law matters that affect LGBTQ people and can provide legal advice, for example regarding assisted reproduction, adoption or surrogacy. Since Familjens Jurist is owned by Fonus, benefits at Familjens Jurist are included in Fonus’ member benefits.
Member benefits:
- 25 percent price reduction on digital services.
- SEK 1,500 price deduction for inheritance and estate administration with a lawyer.
- SEK 750 price reduction on inventory of the estate with a lawyer.
- SEK 500 price reduction on all other services with a lawyer (does not apply to legal aid/legal protection).
- Free will storage where Familjens Jurist is executor of the will (value SEK 1995)
- Free Life Inventory (value SEK 950)
- Free lectures for at least 25 participants. Email if you want to book a lecture.
Familjens Jurist about themselves: We make life safer and easier – in sadness, joy and everything in between. Familjens Jurist handles all legal matters relating to private and family life. From documents such as prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, wills, help with inventory of the estate to advice and information about security for your children, tax matters and regulations if you are to move abroad.
This is how you use the member benefits at Familjens Jurist
Tallbergs förlag
Tallbergs Förlag wants to create role models for minority groups. It is a small publishing house with many passionate people. CEO Marcus Tallberg works on a non-profit basis to get various types of media out. Thirteen books were published in 2018 with, among others, Camilla Gisslow , Andrés Esteche and Rickard Söderberg. Upcoming publications include Lina Axelsson Kihlblom and Michelle Visage on the list of authors. In addition to books, they have also produced the artist Effeminate Baz and the documentary “Rädda Våra Liv” where we follow three families whose children have a trans identity.
Member benefits:
- 20 percent discount on Tallbergs Förlag’s own books. Buy via their own shop at , send an email to and mention that you are a member of RFSL to take part of the offer.
Tallbergs Förlag about themselves: Tallbergs Förlag makes rainbow media. Under our rainbow there are not only LGBTQ+ but also issues of ethnicity and disability, etc.
QX Förlag partly publishes the monthly magazine QX , with a distributed edition of 30,000 copies, and partly runs, which is the country’s largest gay site. On and you can find daily coverage of society, entertainment and culture and a guide to gay and gay-friendly hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues around the world. In the QX Shop on the site, you can buy several hundred different products with a connection to the rainbow community. The community site is a leading meeting place for LGBTQ people online with 90,000 active users mainly in Sweden and Finland.
Member benefits:
- 10 percent discount on large parts of the assortment. Enter offer code RFSL.
QX about themselves: QX Förlag AB was started in 1995 with the aim of guaranteeing media that write about and monitor the rainbow society.