LGBTQI is an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.
The L, G, and B refer to sexual orientation, who a person feels romantically and/or sexually attracted to.
The T refers to gender identity and expression.
Q refers to queer in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or relationships and sexual practice, but it also represents a critical view of existing norms.
I refers to intersex, which is an umbrella term used for a variety of experiences in which a person is born with, or develops, a reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit the typical definitions of female or male. An intersex person may identify as female, male, or neither.
The first time that the acronym, LGBT (hbt), was used in print in Sweden was in 2000 in RFSL’s member magazine, Kom Ut – the purpose was to broaden terms such as gay and homosexual.