Call for Papers for a conference on LGBTQI+ individuals seeking asylum
Do you have experience seeking asylum as an LGBTQI+ person? LGBTQI+ individuals seeking asylum are often forced to 'prove' their sexual orientation or gender identity, and credibility assessments of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers still frequently rely on stereotypical assumptions and expectations. RFSL is collaborating with the Striking Sirens Coalition to organise a conference where we shed light on the situation of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers. The coalition is now calling for papers and workshops for the conference.
We are seeking papers and workshops that promote credibility assessment grounded in the actual life experiences of LGBTQI+ refugees. Contributions may focus on, but are not limited to, the following themes:
- Solutions to improve credibility assessment of SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics) in asylum applications.
- How current credibility assessments affect LGBTQI+ individuals seeking asylum.
Please send your proposal of max 250 words for a paper or workshop to before May 10, 2024. Include the title of your paper or workshop, and a short biography of 100 words. Indicate whether you would like to present your session in person or online.
If your proposal is accepted, the final deadline for papers is August 25, 2024.
There is a small amount of funding available for travel bursaries and accommodation costs; please indicate if you need financial assistance.
Learn more about the conference and our call for contributions here: Call for Papers – BELIEVE IT OR NOT Credibility in SOGIESC asylum