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Become a member
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Member and community
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The Future Process
Get involved
RFSL's Networks
RFSL and your personal information
Support RFSL
Support the work on human rights of LGBTQI people
A Christmas gift that makes a difference
For businesses
Donation by will
IKEA donates one million SEK to RFSL
Areas of Work
To become and be a parent
To become and be a parent
Commonly asked questions
Legal parenthood
Assisted reproduction at a clinic
Parental allowance
Home insemination
Trans parenthood
Breast/chest feeding and feeding of children - for trans people
Couple relationships: advice for new parents
Sex during and after pregnancy, childbirth and having children
Feeding the baby
Foster/emergency foster home
Pappa och hbtqi
LGBTQI, eating disorders and pregnancy
Protect your child from normative surroundings
Guide to co-nursing and induced lactation
Asylum and migration
Asylum-seeking LGBTQI+ individuals deported on illegal grounds
The AMIF project
LGBTQI asylum-seekers are refused on unlawful grounds
Support for LGBTQI migrants
Applying for asylum as an LGBTQI+ person - frequently asked questions
For Members
The Asylum Podcast
Newcomers Contacts
Other organisations and networks
RFSL about Doxy-PEP
RFSL's work with health and HIV prevention
Testing for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
HIV/STI testing at RFSL
Sexually transmitted infections/STI's
Testing reminder
Documentary: "Stockholm, 1982"
Sex and drugs
Blood Donation
Mental health and suicide prevention
RFSL on sex for compensation
Sports and leisure
Sports for all bodies
More sports organisations ready to include trans people
Sports Associations on Trans Inclusion
What Are Sports?
UN's Sustainable Development Goals and sports
Heroes that inspire
A groundbreaking athlete
Gender segregation and exclusion
Testosterone and doping
Policy recommendations
Transcalendar 2021 is looking for models!
Check-list and commonly asked questions
Gender and Gender Dysphoria
Collecting and Using Personal Information
Rörelse föder energi
About Intersex
Our International Work
"Meeting others like me was life-changing"
INEND is fighting for the rights of queer women in Kenya
Strategy for our International Work
LGBTQI in the 2030 Agenda
How LGBTQI people can be included in the Sustainable Development Goals
Leveraging human rights and the Agenda 2030 to advance LGBTI rights
Trans Day of Remembrance 2021: Together, we fight!
Rainbow Academy
International Advocacy
A World For All
Sports create involvement
LGBTI Inclusion in Development Policy and Agenda 2030
Eastern Coalition for LGBT Equality
Rainbow Kick-Off – Small-scale support to LGBTQI groups in Asia and Africa
Media advocacy in Southern Africa
Regional organising in Southeast Asia
Trans and gender non-conforming persons' organising in East Africa.
Activists building an Intersex Movement in Asia
Rainbow Advocacy Program
Support through RFSL and RFSL Ungdom
RFSL Support Service
Sexual abuse and LGBTQI
Has someone crossed your boundaries?
Sheltered living for LGBTQI people
Knowledge support working with LGBTQI people subjected to violence
Why Do We Need a New Gender Recognition Act?
Trans care becomes national highly specialized care
Trans och jämställdhet
Questions and answers about care for youth with gender dysphoria
RFSL's views on gender-affirming care
Trans Health Care
All trans people needing care should get it - RFSL comments on Uppdrag granskning
Compensation for Forced Sterilizations
Senior Citizen Issues
Vi äldre behöver också förebilder
RFSL Senior besökte FRI i Oslo og Akershus
Nationella digitala träffar
Fighting for our futures - statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance
Certification and Education
RFSL Media & Info AB
What are conversion attempts, and why should they be prohibited?
FAQ about gender dysphoria as a diagnosis
To Ask About Gender and Trans in Surveys
Norm Criticism
Gender-neutral changing rooms and bathrooms
Marriage in Sweden
About us
Our work at RFSL - A brief overview
Organisation and the Board
RFSL's Anti-corruption policy
Vision, mission and basic principles
The Board
Policy program
RFSL branch bylaws
Goals for societal change 2021-2023
RFSL's Code of Conduct
Direction of the anti-racism work 2021-2023
Employer policy
Ethical guidelines for qualified support persons within RFSL
Common rules for a voluntary operation
Common rules for RFSL’s Newcomers operations
Gemensamma regler mot diskriminering, kränkande särbehandling och trakasserier
Work with Us
RFSL Seeks an International Advocacy Advisor
We Use Cookies
Prioritised areas 2018-2021
Policy Social Media
Member and community
Our branches
Member benefits
Get Involved
The Future Process
Get involved
RFSL's Networks
RFSL and your personal information
Support RFSL
Support the work on human rights of LGBTQI people
A Christmas gift that makes a difference
For businesses
Donation by will
IKEA donates one million SEK to RFSL
Areas of Work
To become and be a parent
To become and be a parent
Commonly asked questions
Legal parenthood
Assisted reproduction at a clinic
Parental allowance
Home insemination
Trans parenthood
Breast/chest feeding and feeding of children - for trans people
Couple relationships: advice for new parents
Sex during and after pregnancy, childbirth and having children
Feeding the baby
Foster/emergency foster home
Pappa och hbtqi
LGBTQI, eating disorders and pregnancy
Protect your child from normative surroundings
Guide to co-nursing and induced lactation
Asylum and migration
Asylum-seeking LGBTQI+ individuals deported on illegal grounds
The AMIF project
LGBTQI asylum-seekers are refused on unlawful grounds
Support for LGBTQI migrants
Applying for asylum as an LGBTQI+ person - frequently asked questions
For Members
The Asylum Podcast
Newcomers Contacts
Other organisations and networks
RFSL about Doxy-PEP
RFSL's work with health and HIV prevention
Testing for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
HIV/STI testing at RFSL
Sexually transmitted infections/STI's
Testing reminder
Documentary: "Stockholm, 1982"
Sex and drugs
Blood Donation
Mental health and suicide prevention
RFSL on sex for compensation
Sports and leisure
Sports for all bodies
More sports organisations ready to include trans people
Sports Associations on Trans Inclusion
What Are Sports?
UN's Sustainable Development Goals and sports
Heroes that inspire
A groundbreaking athlete
Gender segregation and exclusion
Testosterone and doping
Policy recommendations
Transcalendar 2021 is looking for models!
Check-list and commonly asked questions
Gender and Gender Dysphoria
Collecting and Using Personal Information
Rörelse föder energi
About Intersex
Our International Work
"Meeting others like me was life-changing"
INEND is fighting for the rights of queer women in Kenya
Strategy for our International Work
LGBTQI in the 2030 Agenda
How LGBTQI people can be included in the Sustainable Development Goals
Leveraging human rights and the Agenda 2030 to advance LGBTI rights
Trans Day of Remembrance 2021: Together, we fight!
Rainbow Academy
International Advocacy
A World For All
Sports create involvement
LGBTI Inclusion in Development Policy and Agenda 2030
Eastern Coalition for LGBT Equality
Rainbow Kick-Off – Small-scale support to LGBTQI groups in Asia and Africa
Media advocacy in Southern Africa
Regional organising in Southeast Asia
Trans and gender non-conforming persons' organising in East Africa.
Activists building an Intersex Movement in Asia
Rainbow Advocacy Program
Support through RFSL and RFSL Ungdom
RFSL Support Service
Sexual abuse and LGBTQI
Has someone crossed your boundaries?
Sheltered living for LGBTQI people
Knowledge support working with LGBTQI people subjected to violence
Why Do We Need a New Gender Recognition Act?
Trans care becomes national highly specialized care
Trans och jämställdhet
Questions and answers about care for youth with gender dysphoria
RFSL's views on gender-affirming care
Trans Health Care
All trans people needing care should get it - RFSL comments on Uppdrag granskning
Compensation for Forced Sterilizations
Senior Citizen Issues
Vi äldre behöver också förebilder
RFSL Senior besökte FRI i Oslo og Akershus
Nationella digitala träffar
Fighting for our futures - statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance
Certification and Education
RFSL Media & Info AB
What are conversion attempts, and why should they be prohibited?
FAQ about gender dysphoria as a diagnosis
To Ask About Gender and Trans in Surveys
Norm Criticism
Gender-neutral changing rooms and bathrooms
Marriage in Sweden
About us
Our work at RFSL - A brief overview
Organisation and the Board
RFSL's Anti-corruption policy
Vision, mission and basic principles
The Board
Policy program
RFSL branch bylaws
Goals for societal change 2021-2023
RFSL's Code of Conduct
Direction of the anti-racism work 2021-2023
Employer policy
Ethical guidelines for qualified support persons within RFSL
Common rules for a voluntary operation
Common rules for RFSL’s Newcomers operations
Gemensamma regler mot diskriminering, kränkande särbehandling och trakasserier
Work with Us
RFSL Seeks an International Advocacy Advisor
We Use Cookies
Prioritised areas 2018-2021
Policy Social Media
Become a member
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