A Christmas gift that makes a difference


LGBTQI people’s right to be themselves is being questioned more and more often, both in Sweden and internationally. Hatred and threats increase and fundamental rights are attacked. When your company gives a Christmas gift to RFSL, you contribute to, among other things, more meeting places for LGBTQI people, support for newly arrived LGBTQI people in Sweden, and to supporting LGBTQI organisations in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa that fight for their rights.

Giving a Christmas gift is easy. Contact the person responsible for corporate partnerships at karin.henningsson@rfsl.se to request a payment document or make a deposit directly to our bank giro 900-8764 . Please label the deposit “Christmas gift 2024”.

As a thank you for your gift, you will receive a digital package to show how you made a difference this Christmas.

The thank you package includes:

  • Printable digital gift certificate
  • Emblem to use on your website
  • Email banner to add to emails
På bilden finns tre olika saker: Regnbågsfärgad knapp med texten "Julen 2024 stöttar vi allas frihet och kärlek", med RFSL:s logga. En bild på rengbågsflagga med texten "Julen 2024 stöttar vi allas rätt att vara den man är och älska den man vill", också med RFSL:s logga. Tredje är ett gåvobevis med bild på Prideparad.

PS Christmas gifts to employees are tax-free if the amount does not exceed SEK 550 (including VAT) per employee. Read more about Christmas gifts on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website .