Visit RFSL at World Pride
On 12–22 August, we celebrate World Pride in Malmö, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. RFSL will be there to organise several seminars as well as to welcome interesting guests from international LGBTQI organisations. At the same time as promoting a sense of community under the rainbow flag, we will focus on highlighting the situation for LGBTQI people in Europe and globally.
Visit us at World Pride
All events taking place in Malmö can be found here, and those in Copenhagen here. Please have a look below to learn more about what RFSL will be focusing on during World Pride:
12 Aug, 10:30-12:30: Relations in old age.
Welcome to this national digital meeting with RFSL Senior! Anyone who is LGBTQI and above 60 is welcome to join. We will talk about dating, sex and friendship. Please contact us at senior@rfsl.se if you are interested to join or have any questions.
Language: Swedish
12 Aug, 14:30-15:30: An LGBTIQ competent geriatric care – challenges and opportunities.
What do senior LGBTIQ people in Sweden expect from geriatric care and what possibilities are there to work actively with an inclusive approach to LGBTIQ people’s needs? A panel of people representing different perspectives will discuss these topics.
Language: Swedish
13 Aug, 14.00-15.00: Trans exclusionary feminism.
There is a rise in anti-trans sentiments all over Europe, also in feminist environments. In this discussion, we gather activists from different parts of the region to discuss this phenomenon and the impact it has on trans people, politics, and society.
Language: English
13 Aug, 15:30-17:00: Hatred – the threat to sustainable societies.
Freedom from violence is central to creating peaceful and inclusive societies. As long as LGBTQI people are exposed to hatred, threats, and suffering, we cannot achieve the development we want economically, environmentally, and socially. Resources and influence must be distributed fairly, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.
Language: Swedish
14 Aug, 08:30 – 09:30: Family law in Sweden – what are the political parties’ positions?
Panel discussions with politicians about where the parliamentary parties stand on family policy issues.
Language: Swedish
17 Aug, 14:30 – 15:30: The influence of the Sweden Democrats on LGBTQI-politics.
The Sweden Democrats gain more and more power in Sweden. In some municipalities, they are the ruling party. In this discussion we focus on the impact SD has on LGBTQI-rights in Sweden, both on national and local levels. We will also talk about how other parties enable that power.
Language: Swedish
17 Aug, 16:30 – 17:30: Fatherhood erased.
A change in the law in 2019, and a mistake by the Swedish Tax Authorities to change its routines, meant that fathers with a trans background were automatically registered as fathers. The victims were told that their paternity was invalid and that they needed to confirm their parenthood or adopt their own child.
Language: Swedish
18 Aug, 09:30 – 10:30: Many faces of the opposition and global resilience of LGBTQI movements.
The aim of the event is to bring together experiences of LGBTQI activists from different parts of the world in relation to the opposition they face (on a national and international level), how it differs from context to context and what trends are common
Language: English
19 Aug, 10:00 – 12:00: The asylum process for LGBTIQ+ people and RFSL’s research about the credibility assessments in SOGIESC asylum cases.
RFSL’s asylum lawyer describes the asylum process for LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers, and RFSL’s recently published research about the problematic credibility assessments in SOGIESC asylum cases in Sweden, leading to wrongful deportations of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers entitled to protection.
Language: Swedish and English
19 Aug, 15:00 – 16:00: Sweden needs a new gender recognition law!
Sweden has a Gender Recognition Act from 1972. If you want a new legal gender you have to seek health care, get a diagnosis and apply to the authorities who assess if you can have a new legal gender. The Government has promised a new law before the election, but why is it taking so long?
Language: Swedish
21 Aug, 10:00 – 11:00: The LGBTQI-movement in the future.
Within RFSL there is an ongoing process defining a new vision to bring the organisation into the future. How will the LGBTQI-movement develop in the future? How can we build a strong organisation for our communities in the future?
Language: Swedish
21 Aug, 11:30 – 12:30: Changes in family law.
From next year, the rules regarding parenthood will be the same for all married couples, i.e. both in the couple will automatically become parents and guardians from birth. A recent government inquiry also proposes that foreign parenthood should be recognised. We will explain what the changes mean and what restrictions will still apply.
Language: Swedish
Visit this link to access World Pride’s digital events. Registering is free of charge.